About the Comic
Whisper is set in the year 2216, in a universe where magic and alien species coexist with Earthlings as newcomers within the past century. It takes place in a vast expanse known as Consortium space, a region of loosely-affiliated corporations governed by only the most perfunctory of laws and regulations.
The Whisper is a psionic ability passed on between organic beings that allows them to skim the surface level thoughts of other people. It also allows for other, more invasive abilities, but accurate information on just what those abilities are is difficult to come by.
The setting is based in large part on a Dungeon World campaign I did with some friends -- Lee, Miri, Nora, and Haley -- and many of the little world-building details are ones the group came up with at the time of the game. This comic is, partly, a way for me to carry on the good times I feel when I create with my friends.
About Me
I'm (they/them) a mid-30s comic artist far too interested in stories about awkward relationships and found families. You can send me a message on gmail at gunmetalannie, if you'd like.