Panel 1: Salix is laying on top of Yeoh, her hand on her chest. Salix asks, "It's Meredith, isn't it? Can I trust you to work with them?" Yeoh looks off to the side and says, "Yeah," trailing off.
Panel 2: Salix lowers her eyelids and says "Seriously, Yeoh. I don't need you giving them shit for the next ten months.
Panel 3: Yeoh looks off to the side, one hand covering half of her face. She says, "I know. I get it. I just. I can't hear them. It fucks me up. You know I don't like it."
Panel 4: Salix gestures off to the side with one hand and says, "Yeah, Well. You don't like hearing people, either." Yeoh props herself up on her hands and says, "I'm used to that, at least."
Panel 5: Salix looms over Yeoh, her hands on Yeoh's thighs. Salix looks down at Yeoh with a stern expression on her face and says, "So get over it and get used to them."
Panel 6: Salix has moved down and has her head between Yeoh's legs. Salix says, "I don't care how, just figure it out. This job is too important."